Accοunting Services
We combine the integrated accounting services with the reliability of a specialized financial advisor.
In Greece, the accounting and tax issues are complex and constantly changing. At Revival, we offer integrated accounting support and supervision services that are tailor- made to the specific needs of the businesses. Accounting depicts the economic activity of a business and is the basis for its sustainable development.
Thinking strategically and having many years of experience, an excellent organization and quick reflexes, we are able to inform you about anything that concerns you, such as deadlines, changes in taxation, laws and regulations, offering you at the same time comprehensive financial analyses that lead to appropriate decision-making.
Characterized by our expertise and long-term experience in the field, we always stay by your side, and guide you by showing how to interpret the financial data of your business. Most importantly, we educate you on how to interpret in-depth the data that is hidden behind the numbers.
Using the specialized and modern tools designed by the IT department of our company, we have the capability to offer you online the financial picture of your business, at any time, wherever you are, as well as forecasts about your business financial situation within a defined timeframe set by you. The specialized accounting software enables you to be, immediately, informed about any accounting issue that may arise, to obtain the information you need and draw useful conclusions about the course of your business.
Using new digital tools, such as integrated information systems and applications, we facilitate the operating processes of the accounting departments and support their organizational structure. The ideal combination of technology along with traits of business judgment, insight and wisdom needed by the accountants, acts as a key lever for the growth of your business.
The services that we offer are the following:
- Accounting Department Supervision
- Accounting Support
- Design and implementation of accounting systems (General – Detailed Accounting)
- Preparation of financial statements
- Preparation of annual financial statements with the International Accounting Standards (IAS)
- Supervision & monitoring of compliance with the International Accounting Standards (IAS)
- Preparation of Budgets
- Preparation of consolidated Balance Sheets
- Preparation of Cash Flow Statement
- Design of Administrative Accounting Systems
- Preparation of Financial Reports
- Preparation of specialized reports with real-time results
- Incorporations, Commencement of Business, Amendments, Mergers, Mergers by Acquisition, Business Shutdowns and Liquidation of Companies
- Provision of consulting services in specialized accounting issues
- Processing of all transactions with the State
We stand out for our reliability, expertise, and long-term experience in the field, dealing separately with each business entity that trusts us. We plan together the accounting strategy that will deliver the maximum performance with measurable results, aiming at building a financially sound business, ready to face the challenges and possible adversities.
Within the framework of the accounting services offered, we add the significant contribution of specialized accounting software packages for the robust development, modernization, and optimal reorganization of businesses.
The integrated accounting services, including the supply of specialized accounting software packages, along with the reliability of Revival’s specialized financial advisors, places you in a competitive position against the industry players.
Revival is the lever of success regarding the strategic goals of every company that entrusts us its security in the key field of accounting.
The benefits of Revival’s integrated accounting services include:
- Real-time view of all transactions
- Accurate labor costs and payments
- Data entry reliability
- Labor productivity increase
- Inter-departmental collaboration
- Fast decision-making
- Specialized financial advisor reliability
We empower public and private sector organizations through cutting-edge advisory services.