Business Reports
Business reports are a kind of report tools with a wealth of potential (drill down, sorting, filtering, grouping), in which the concentrated information is analyzed to the interested party in a very friendly way. A situation is presented (either real or a script) that aims at the application of statistical models and indicators that arise in a set of proposals and actions for the improvement of processes and entrepreneurship as a whole.
Business Reports are designed to provide you with the possibility of:
- Examining the available proposals and possible solutions to a problem, situation or issue.
- Establishing multiple information models, which help the business executives to predict the market trends, the movements of competition, the customer needs as well as to draft budgets for the company’s operations and plans.
- Having availability of information from any device on a 24-hour/7-day-a-week basis.
- "Releasing”the datathat are "trapped" in various systems and hidedozens ofsecrets which have to be taken into account in the decision-making process.
- Making this information available in a few minutes in order to makedaily critical business decisions.
- Assisting and supporting the decisions and actions, when asked, with absolute confidence about the results.
- Reducing the labor costs due to the automated creation of reports.
- Having the necessary flexibility in your organization so that it can adaptto changes of the business environmentquickly and effectively.
- Providing users with the documentation of indicators and other information. The analysis and validation of data are carried out without the involvement of the IT department and other specialists.
- Offering your organization an information basis which will be the common reference point for all business reports and analyses providing a "common business perspective".
- Proceeding to a comparative evaluation of partners (e.g. comparison of performance of sellers), products and other relevant data.
- Timely and accurate management information allowing the quick adoption of strategic measures.
- Exploiting appropriately organized information in order to meet the way of understanding of business users.
- Direct comparison of indicators (KPI's) which appear in the form of prices or rates.